Next Gen Calendar

Say Goodbye to Scheduling Snafus!

Are you tired of juggling multiple calendars, endless back-and-forth messaging to arrange meetings, and the dread of no-shows? Well, it's time to breathe easy! Our innovative calendar feature is here to transform how you manage your time. It's smart, intuitive, and a tad bit cheeky – because who said scheduling can't be fun?

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The Features

Your personal time-wizard ensuring that you don't miss anything and checking in on your attendees

  • Sync and Swim: Merge all your calendars into one sleek view. Never miss a beat (or a meeting) again! Our calendar syncs up everything, ensuring your availability is always up-to-date. It's like having a personal assistant who's got your back, 24/7.
  • Book with a Click: Cut the messaging marathon. Allow others to book time with you based on your predefined meeting agendas. It's simple: they see your availability, pick a slot, and voilà – meeting set!
  • Customised Control: Tailor meeting lengths, set gaps between appointments, and control how far in advance others can book. Your day, your rules. You'll be the maestro of your schedule, conducting a symphony of well-timed engagements.
  • Never Forgotten: Automatic confirmation and reminder messages? Yes, please! Emails and texts ensure everyone's in the loop, reducing the dreaded no-shows to almost zero. It's like having a little nudge right when you need it.
  • Contextual Communication: Send Zoom links minutes before a virtual meet-up, share the café address an hour before your coffee catch-up, or dispatch documents in advance for review. It's all about the right info at the right time.
  • Meeting Momentum: Keep the conversation going post-meeting. Follow up with a rating system, update notes, and plan next steps. It's like a little after-party for your meetings, where everyone's invited to share and prepare for the next round.
lucky guy managing his business calendar

The Benefits

Streamline your day like never before – our next gen calendar makes scheduling simple and keeps chaos at bay. Think less planning, more doing, and saying hello to a more organised, professional you.

  • Effortless Organisation: Streamline your scheduling process, making it more efficient and less chaotic.
  • Time-Saving: Reduce the hours spent on planning and rescheduling
  • Improved Productivity: More time to focus on what truly matters – growing your business and enjoying your life.
  • Enhanced Professionalism: Show your clients and colleagues you value their time as much as yours.
  • Peace of Mind: With automated reminders and follow-ups, you're always on top of things.
partners managing their business calendar